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The Old Coach House,
211 Canterbury Rd
Kent  CT7 9AH

Tel: 01843 847208
Fax: 01843 843862

SNS IT support for schools

Network Cable Installation

Wireless networks are the way forward, but if you don’t know your WLAN from your WiFi, SNS are here to help.
SNS IT support for schools

IT Hardware

SNS can assist with the supply and installation os all hardware for your school’s ICT provision.
SNS IT support for schools

On Site IT Support

SNS assist more than 100 schools throughout Kent, the south-east and London.
SNS IT support for schools

SIMS & Admin Support

We are specialist providers of SIMS support for schools in Kent, Sussex and South London.
SNS IT support for schools

Filtered Broadband

We provide fast, secure and reliable broadband for schools in Kent and London.
SNS IT support for schools

Monitored Backups

SNS offer monitored, secure Cloud backup for Curriculum and Admin networks, so all your school’s data can be easily recovered.